- Amend Fire Sign Fee to $53
- Ordinance 2024-01-15 Amend Utility Permit Ordinance
- Ordinance 2023-05-15-1 Amend for Concept Review Fees
- Ordinance 2023-05-15-2 Construction Permit for Utilities
- Ordinance 2023-03-20 Ordinance to amend the Ordinance relating to regulation of parks and navigable waters
- Title 6-2 Amend Driveway Ordinance
- Ordinance Title 6 Chapter 2 Road
- Ordinance No. 2022-08-15 An Ordinance Establishing A New Ethics Code For The Town of Warren, St. Croix Country, Wisconsin
- Ordinance No. 2022-06-20 An Ordinance to Establish a Park Committee for the Town of Warren, St. Croix Country, Wisconsin
- Ordinance No. 2022-6-20 An Ordinance to Amend the Town of Warren Code of Ordinance To Create the Position fo Code Enforcement Officer
- Implements of Husbandry Opt Out effective 1-1-2023
- Wards Map Ordinance 2022-5
- Burning Fire Ordinance 2021
- Amendment Ordinance 15-1-3 State Uniform Dwelling Code Enforcement
- Amendment to Ordinance No. 14-1-70 Required Design Standards
- Amendment to Ordinance No. 5-2-5 - Police Power of the Department Investigation of Fires
- 10-6 All-Terrain Vehicle Route Ordinance
- Implements of Husbandry Ordinance (Updated 10-19-2015)
- Adopting Official Map 2009
- Blasting Ordinance
- Boat Wake Limit on Twin Lakes
- Monitoring Water Quality
- Nonmetallic Mine Operator's License
- Ordinance to Establish Procedures and Criteria for Allowing Alternative Forms of Sworn Testimony at Board of Review Hearings
- Speed Limits
- Title - Code Table of Contents
- Title 01 - General Provisions
- Title 1 Chapter 3 Fee schedule 2021
- Title 02 - Government and Administration
- Title 03 - Finance and Public Records
- Title 04 - Administrative Determinations Review
- Title 05 - Public Safety
- Title 6 - Driveways; Culverts
- Title 07 - Licensing and Regulation
- Title 08 - Health and Sanitation
- Title 09 - Public Utilities
- Title 09 - Utility District Sewer Use
- Title 09 - Utility District Water Use
- Title 10 - Motor Vehicles and Traffic
- Title 11 - Offenses and Nuisances
- Title 12 - Parks and Navigable Waters
- Title 13 - Zoning
- Title 14 - Construction Site Erosion Control
- Title 14 - Subdivision and Platting
- Title 14 - Ord 9-16-2024 Amend Subdivision and Platting - 2 acre per dwelling
- Title 15 - Building Code
- Title 15 - Building Permit Fees